“But labor is supposed to be painful, right?” you ask.
Nope. Here’s the skinny: The idea that birth is unavoidably painful comes from a fear-based, over-medicalized Western CULTURAL view of birth.
(Think: all Hollywood movies of women screaming in pain while in labor!)
I hate to break it to you, girlfriend, but you’ve been lied to!

Society has convinced women that:
- Birth is supposed to be painful
- Our hips are too small
- Our babies are too big
- We’re too fat
- We’re too old
- We’re too high-risk
- Our milk will dry up
- Birth will “ruin” our bodies…
Fear has crept into every area of modern maternity care.
We inherit these fears from society, friends, and family so that by the time we get pregnant we believe our body doesn’t know how to birth without medical assistance (No wonder we have a 30% cesarean rate in the US!).
I am sure you have heard scary birth stories and wondered…

These doubts can quickly erode your peace and confidence.
We carry this learned fear into our birth, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Studies show that when we expect pain, our body will tense and brace for it. In labor, fear causes tension, and tension causes pain. Pain produces more fear, and before you know it, you’re spiraling out of control, begging for an epidural!
It’s called the FEAR-TENSION-PAIN Cycle >>>
What if I told you there was a better way?
Introducing the Pain Free Birth Method…
“Childbirth should be a natural event that occasionally needs medical help, not a medical event that occasionally happens naturally.”
-Kemi Johnson, Birthkeeper.

Most women have no idea how good birth can be!
I’m not just talking about pain-free birth here… I’m talking ecstatic, laughing-at-9cm-biggest-high-of-your-life kind of birth!
(Yes, this is 100% possible, and the testimonials are pouring in every day!)
Did you know there is a species-specific hormonal sequence that guides birth?
Women are divinely designed for birth!
It’s time to return to our original design.
It’s time to say goodbye to fear-based birth.
“Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear.”
~ Jane Weideman.
Most childbirth education programs focus only on head knowledge.
Listen, honey, you can’t *think* your baby out!

Pain Free Birth teaches birth from a FAITH-BASED, not FEAR-BASED, perspective.

It’s practical, evidence-based, AND spiritual – this is where SCIENCE meets SPIRIT!

The foundation of this program is the Hormonal Physiology of Labor: God’s brilliant design for birth (trust me, this will blow your mind).

We go WAY beyond head knowledge. I show you HOW to connect to your God-given intuition for birth and postpartum.
You don’t need to attain something you don’t have. You just need to see how powerful you already ARE. It’s already inside you, Sis!
PREPARE YOUR MIND, BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRIT for a pain-free, joy-filled, empowering birth with…

Learn how to connect to your God-given intuition for a pain-free birth with the ONLY program that teaches you how to eliminate (or greatly reduce) pain, and tap into ecstatic joy with the RELAXATION–OXYTOCIN–BLISS™ Cycle!
If anyone, and I mean anyone, wants to dive just a little deeper into how miraculously and perfectly God designed our bodies to labor and birth, I literally cannot tell you how amazing this has been. I know this is my 4th (and last) baby, but I have learned SO much and my mind
has been absolutely blown.
I truly believe this course helped me learn to breathe effectively and stay centered in all stages of the birth experience. The whole experience was surreal – I felt like I went into another dimension at times. All the staff remarked on how incredible the birth was and how calm I seemed, which makes me feel so proud of what my body and spirit are capable of.
Just gave birth to a beautiful 9 lb 2 oz baby! Completely natural! Loved your course and so thankful for what I learned through it to trust my body. Ended up giving birth in my car… right as we pulled into the hospital. It was a crazy story but through trusting my body, breathing techniques, and lots of prayers to Jesus this baby girl came quick and perfectly!
- 9 Teaching Modules broken down to bite-sized videos to help you have an empowering birth experience.
- 9 Activations, including: retraining your nervous system, breathing exercises, healing from past trauma, connecting to your body, your baby, and your intuition – and more!
- Gain access for the LIFETIME of the course!
- 10+ hours of Content
- 70-page Course Workbook
- Hands-on Activations
- Step-by-Step Breathing Exercises
- Advocacy Scripts
- Sample Birth Plans
- Bonus: Positions Tutorial for Pregnancy, Birth, and Pushing
- Bonus: VBAC Ready Module
- Bonus: Christian Hypnobirthing Audio Tracks
- Bonus: Breech & Twins Module with Dr. Stu
- Bonus: For the Dads: The Husband’s Perspective
- Bonus: Access to the Pain Free Birth VIP Facebook Community
What’s in my bag?
- Discover what is really holding you back from experiencing a pain-free labor.
- Overcome subconscious fears and lies.
- Uncover and eradicate self-doubt, fear, and past trauma.
- Develop trust in yourself, your body, and your team.
- Fill your “bag” with good birth stories and tools to stack the odds in your favor.
- Learn how to create a negativity filter for your spirit.
Birth Physiology
Oxytocin is the “miracle drug” that your own body produces to make pain-free birth possible! Your body has a hormonal blueprint that is designed work to bring about labor! So much so that women in comas have given birth. It’s built in! Oxytocin is the hormone that makes it all possible. This powerful natural drug blocks pain receptors, dilates the cervix, and releases endorphins that make you happy in labor – and that’s just the beginning!
Supernatural Pregnancy
This class reveals how to overcome common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, swelling, and pain. Karen teaches spiritual and practical strategies to feel great in pregnancy, even beyond your due date! Dive into the relationship you have with your own body to break off fear and conflict, and learn a new language: that of trust and acceptance.
First Stage Labor: Mastering Pain
First Stage Labor, or early labor when the cervix is effacing and dilating, can be a roller coaster. Working with your body, not against it, is key. Learn exactly what to do to master the mind-body connection, relax every muscle, and sink deep into each surge to have a pain-free contraction every time.
Second Stage Labor: Mastering Pushing
Second Stage Labor happens after the cervix has fully dilated, transition occurs, and the baby begins to descend down the birth canal. Learn practical hands-on techniques to practice how to push effectively without extended, exhaustive pushing periods, and avoid tearing the perineum. Contrary to what nearly all hospital workers will tell you, your body knows exactly how to push. Learn how to tap into that ancient wisdom for a smooth, pain-free second stage of labor.
The Third Stage of Labor: Baby’s Experience
Third Stage Labor is commonly the most highly managed stage with many interventions. Providers are often taught that this stage is inherently dangerous. In this class, Karen teaches all about how to have a physiological and hands-off third stage including important topics like: delivery of the placenta, delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin, and more. Learn how to protect this phase of labor for you and your baby by preserving the Golden Hour the way it was designed.
Birthing in the Glory
This is where science and spirituality meet! Discover the role your brain waves play in your birth experience. The physiological birth process is designed to take you into altered states of consciousness that set you up for a blissful, pain-free birth! Learn how to tap into these altered states, let go of control, and surrender to the waves of birth. Nothing can describe the joy, peace, and depth of emotion you can feel in labor if you let yourself go there.
Pain Free Birth in the Hospital
If you are one of the 98 % of women giving birth in a hospital, this class is a must-watch. The care provider you choose will have a greater effect on the outcome of your birth (for example, vaginal vs. cesarean) than ANY other factor in your birth. This class will help you choose a provider that supports the kind of birth you want to have. You will learn techniques and tools to trust your body, advocate for yourself, and set up a stellar birth support team.
When Your Perfect Plan Doesn’t Go Perfectly According to Plan
Birthed out of Karen’s own story of miscarriage, it is important to face and remember that when it comes to childbirth, rarely does it ever go perfectly according to plan. In this class, learn how you can navigate the ups and downs. Prepare your heart, mind, and body for birth. Learn how to advocate for yourself, and hold birth loosely, knowing everything could change in a moment and that is part of the ride.
Positions for Pregnancy, Birth, & Pushing
This is your virtual doula! In this segment we cover:
- Positions to help baby get into a good position during pregnancy.
- Spinning Babies moves to help rotate a baby to an optimal position for birth.
- Techniques to reduce or eliminate pain and speed up labor.
- Instinctual positions for pushing that help you get off your back and out of the bed.

For the Dads – The Husband’s Perspective
Learn how to deeply connect to your partner in labor to support the mother’s power and intuition, allowing her to feel safe, loved, and empowered.

Christian Hypnobirthing Tracks
Complete audio track set by Christian Hypnobirthing© to practice deep relaxation in pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.
COMING SOON: Exclusive Meditation tracks written by Karen Welton and produced by Christian Hypnobirthing©!

VBAC Ready
Having a successful VBAC is absolutely possible for the vast majority of women. Learn all about the evidence, risks, and contraindications of VBACs, including how to set yourself up for the healing, redemptive birth you deserve.

Breech & Twins
What if baby doesn’t turn head down by 34 weeks? Having twins? Can you still have a vaginal, unmedicated, trauma-free birth? OB-GYN Dr. Stuart Fischbein and Karen discuss everything you need to know: actual risks, types of twins and breech, what to expect, how to find a provider, the spiritual side of delivering twins and breech, and more!

Pain Free Birth VIP
Facebook Community
Your go-to community for sisterhood, discussion topics, and inspirational birth stories that’s just for e-course members. You’ll be challenged and encouraged while walking alongside other faith-filled women in the same season as you!
“You will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible to you”.
-Matthew 17:20

What’s included:
- 9 Modules broken down to bite-sized videos
- 10+ hours of Content
- 70-page Workbook
- Hands-on Activations
- Step-by-Step Breathing Exercises
- Private VIP Facebook Community
- Worksheets & Handouts
- Birth Plan Templates
- Advocacy Scripts
- Bonus Content:
–Positions for Pregnancy, Birth, & Pushing
–For the Dads: The Husband’s Perspective
–Christian Hypnobirthing Audio Tracks
-VBAC Ready Module
–Breech & Twins with Dr. Stu
Total Value: $1,500
Today’s Price: ONLY $397
I get you, girlfriend… reading all the books, consuming all the free resources, and stalking my IG account (I see you!)… The only problem is, you don’t know what you don’t know!
Why waste countless hours researching, googling, and being afraid of the unknown?
I’ve compiled everything you need into the Pain Free Birth E-Course to give you the tools you need to overcome pain and step into your bad*** birthing power!
If you are scared of the pain of labor, pain is not really the problem.
FEAR is.

The way we birth imprints on our baby’s brain. It teaches them something about life: will their journey in this world be stressful, lonely, and traumatic? Or will it be calm, peaceful, and joyful?
What better investment could you make than providing a calm and confident birth for your child?
The Pain Free Birth E-Course is for you if…
- You are feeling the call of God to go deeper in this birth.
- You are desiring MORE than to just “survive” birth – you want a joyful, transformational experience.
- You want SIMPLE and PRACTICAL tools to overcome pain in labor.
- You want your partner to be equipped along with you to support this deeper-level birth.
- You believe birth is a natural, physiological process, not a medical emergency.
- You prefer WOMAN and MOTHER, not “birthing person” or “chest feeder”.
The Pain Free Birth E-Course is NOT for you if…
- You are looking for a “quick-fix” solution.
- You don’t like to be challenged.
- You are not willing to put in the work and make the necessary mindset shifts.
- You don’t believe birth is a spiritual event.
- Terms like “mother,” and “woman” are off-putting.
- You just want to “go with the flow,” “trust the experts”, and see what happens.
“We are the only species of mammals that can doubt its ability to give birth. Think about that.”
– Ina May Gaskin
let me guess…
How can you really promise me a pain free birth?
If I could do that I would be a rich woman! Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to childbirth, but I can promise you this: I will give you all the tools you need to have an empowering, pain-free, supernatural birth experience. By the end of this program, you will feel confident and excited about birth!
What if I invest this money and it doesn’t work for me?
The real question is: What if I choose NOT to invest in my birth? What kind of birth experience could I be missing out on if I neglect this sacred, soul-level birth preparation?And the deeper question: Do I believe I am worth investing in? What about my baby’s birth experience?
I want my birth partner to support me. Is there a course for them, too?
Yes, absolutely! I designed Birth Partner Bootcamp specifically for your partner! This condensed, no-nonsense mini e-course will give your partner all the tools they need to support you emotionally, spiritually, and physically in labor. BPB is for you if you want your partner to: know what is happening in every stage of labor, learn what to say and what not to say (phew!), know which labor positions to suggest, give prompts to guide you to breathe, relax, and push, master what to say and do if you PANIC…and more!
Is your e-course a lot of reading or mostly videos?
The course is mainly videos and I tried to make it as enjoyable and engaging as possible while always improving upon it as I receive continued feedback. It now includes a full complementary fill-in-the-blank style workbook, several bonus modules, bonus advocating scripts/cheat sheets, and sample birth plans.
When is the best time to sign up?
There’s no wrong time to start preparing for birth! I recommend starting in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. However, I’ve had women purchase the E-Course at 40 weeks and binge-watch it in one weekend before baby came! Others prefer to jump in as soon as they find out they are pregnant to get a head start. It all depends on how YOU learn best. It’s never too late to prepare and give yourself plenty of time to go through and absorb all the material (maybe even more than once!).
Tip: Bundle with Postpartum Bliss and Birth Partner Bootcamp E-Courses to have everything on hand as needed!
How long do I have access to the program for?
All our courses now come with lifetime access! That means your courses will never expire, and you can use them for as many pregnancies and births as you desire. Have all the babies, Mama! We’ll be with you every step along the way.
Note: If you purchased your course prior to May 2024, when we changed our policy, you may see your course drop off your account. To fix this, simply email us at support@painfreebirth.com with your account email and we’ll reinstate it for you.
Can I get reimbursed for the PFB E-Course through my HSA, FSA, or HRA?
Yes. Childbirth classes are eligible for reimbursement with a health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). The Pain Free Birth E-Course is a full childbirth education class that meets the requirements for reimbursement. To get the necessary codes to submit for reimbursement please email: support@painfreebirth.com.
Can my pregnant friend(s) and I go in on this together?
Sorry, my courses are designed for single use only (i.e. one mother, or couple, per registration), like most childbirth education courses. Thank you for honoring my knowledge, time, and financial investment it took to create these courses by not sharing your login details with anyone. You are not only supporting me, but you are also sowing into a movement to shift the culture of birth in our generation! I’d say that’s a worthwhile investment.
I’d love to sign up, but I can’t afford it. Do you offer any discounts or scholarships?
I have priced my courses at the rock-bottom level for my investment of time, skills, and knowledge. If you prefer, I do offer a payment plan option at checkout, but here’s the bottom line: this is an investment into yourself and your birth. Sometimes you have to take that leap of faith and do something you’ve never done before to get results you’ve never gotten before. Investing in yourself is the best investment you could ever make.
What if I’m not a Christian? Is this course for me?
The Pain Free Birth E-Course is based on physiology and how the body is designed to work. You don’t have to be a Christian to take it, but it does help if you have some type of spiritual practice or interest in the spiritual realm. The course is considered “faith-based” (because I’m a Christian), but is not a “religious” course. It is an evidence-based childbirth education course for women preparing for a physiological birth.
This E-Course was created for a wider audience and I use open-ended language. I sometimes refer to God, quote scripture from the Bible, and lead listeners in prayers and blessings, however, I always encourage viewers to change the language to what feels authentic to you!
There is one 10-minute segment (out of about 10 total hours of teaching) called “What the Bible Says About Birth” where I address the (misinterpreted) theology that birth is “supposed” to be painful because Eve sinned in the Garden.
If you long for a deeper spiritual and transformational experience in your birth, that is exactly what the Pain Free Birth E-Course will help prepare you to achieve.
Do you offer refunds?
Due to the nature of instant access courses, all sales are final.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard moms share regretfully, “I really wish I prepared for >insert birth trauma< beforehand.”
“I had no idea how hard it would be…”
“I had no idea an induction would take 3 days…”
“I had no idea how to advocate for myself…”
The list goes on…
Girlfriend: I. Don’t. Want. That. To. Be. You!
Don’t let fear keep you small, hidden, and anxious. This is YOUR power.
What would it mean to you to feel 100% confident and excited to birth?
I am so so thankful for you, Karen! Your course was a game changer in mindset for me. I was really able to stay calm and trust my body. I can honestly say it was pretty pain free. The intensity picked up in the last 15-20 min. and then she was here!!! Thank you so much. It was like someone else took over my body and I was on the side. So surreal.
The course gave me so much information on how to look at the sensations of laboring and delivery in a different mindset and I truly believe that the mind is a powerful tool. Changing the way I thought about things and ridding myself of fear in the moment was exactly what I needed to get through delivery smoothly and without pain medications or interventions.

What’s included:
- 9 Modules broken down to bite-sized videos
- 10+ hours of Content
- 70-page Workbook
- Hands-on Activations
- Step-by-Step Breathing Exercises
- Private VIP Facebook Community
- Worksheets & Handouts
- Birth Plan Templates
- Advocacy Scripts
- Bonus Content:
–Positions for Pregnancy, Birth, & Pushing
–For the Dads: The Husband’s Perspective
–Christian Hypnobirthing Audio Tracks
-VBAC Ready Module
-Breech & Twins with Dr. Stu
Total Value: $1,500