Jill is a joyful warrior as a mom of 8 beautiful babies including newborn twins who just successfully had her first home birth. Yes, Jill had six traditional births with a regular OB team in the hospital before her OB unfortunately passed away and she had to look elsewhere for the upcoming birth of her twins, Ruth and Samuel. She felt God calling her to have a home birth, but her husband Joe wasn’t initially supportive. After a lot of prayer and giving it to the Lord, Jill & Joe had a beautiful home birth with the support of her birthing team! She had Ruth at 7 pounds 2 ounces and Samuel at 7 pounds 15 ounces! Despite Samuel being breech, Jill’s team had the expertise to handle things with ease and keep a peaceful environment for the birthing mama. Join us today as Jill shares more about her magical experience giving birth at home to twins.
Wife to Joe Reitz (former NFL player) Momma of 8 including newborn twins, oldest almost 13, 11, 9, 7, 5 and 3. Former collegiate Division 1 runner. Faithful Catholic. Resides in North suburb of Indianapolis. Huge lover and encourager of natural, physiological birth and all things motherhood, wifehood and family life!
KAREN: Welcome back to the podcast, ladies. Today, I am so excited to interview Jill Reitz.
She is a mom of eight, like holy cow. And the last, the number seven and eight were twins she had at home after six hospital births, all unmedicated. And so this mama knows herself. stuff. And I am so excited to have her on the podcast today to share with you her so encouraging and uplifting story of delivering twins at home.
So welcome Jill.
JILL: Thank you, Karen. I’m so happy to be on.
KAREN: Yeah, I was just looking at your birth photos and oh my goodness, like the ecstasy and the joy in these, like, I haven’t even shared this story yet on Instagram. It’ll probably come out around the same time, but you guys are in for a treat because I can’t even convey with words like how exciting this birth looks and I can’t wait to hear all about it.
So Tell us tell yeah Tell us how why did you decide to birth at home with your twins after having six hospital births?
JILL: So It was a long Hard discerning process. It was not a decision that we just made like, Oh, let’s just try this out. It was, it was something that we brought, my husband and I brought to prayer.
I mean, daily, sometimes multiple times a day we were asking prayer from our friends and our families. And it wasn’t something we were sharing like openly to a lot of people just cause I just didn’t really want to hear others opinions. I really wanted this to be, you know, Spirit led, I wanted this to be something like, Lord, if this is something you are calling us to then, then we’re going to trust you and you’re going to open the doors.
But if it’s not, then like shut those doors. So when we found out that we were going to have twins, first of all, like the shock factor was, I was not, not okay in any way. Like I was, I think initially I had that, like, I just was laughing the whole, like, probably the first 18 hours of finding this out.
I was just laughing. And then that night I went to bed and I woke up at like 2 AM and I just like started bawling my eyes out. Like, how am I going to do this? I have really, really, really difficult pregnancies. I have hyperemesis gravidarum. Seriously from, well, from this, these babies, it was week five, all the way till, I mean, like an hour before I had the babies I was throwing out my dinner or two hours before, but.
So in my mind I’m like, okay, so this is gonna be hard. That’s amazing. I
KAREN: just have to like pause right there To have eight kids with hyperemesis, cafeteria. I mean, that alone is a feat.
JILL: Like you are amazing. the Lord just must, I don’t know. I just, I love babies. I love birth. I love being a mom. I, for, I, I know what I’m getting myself into.
I, I don’t know though. I, I don’t know. It just, it must be just something that
KAREN: God’s
JILL: grace
KAREN: blocks out of my
JILL: mind. Like how bad it is because when I’m in it, I’m like, how did I forget this? This is yeah. I mean, I’m like, Oh my gosh. Yes. I mean like everyone knows it too. Like my kids, everyone. It’s a, yeah. I, Oh my gosh.
It is, it is a it’s a cross, but So many other people struggle getting pregnant. I mean, it’s, I do realize like the gift of fertility and the gift of pregnancy. Yeah. So
KAREN: beautiful that you overcame all that and still had like all the, all these amazing babies. And obviously like twins, isn’t something you typically like, you don’t typically try out home birth with your twins.
So how did this happen where you’re like, you’ve had obviously it seems like positive births. Yeah. You felt very empowered and now you’re here with twins, number seven and eight. You’re like, let’s try for a home birth.
JILL: How did that happen? I really desired, I really desired a natural non medicated Physio, like net, like I wanted that.
I knew I could do that. I knew it. But like the world tells you, you can’t like, everyone says that it’s impossible. Everyone says you have to get induced. Everyone says that your babies are at risk. Everyone says that you have to do all the things, all the, all the testing. You got to make sure that everything’s perfect.
And if your body does this and you have to do the, and it, it was, it was so hard to drown out all of that and really tap into like my intuition. So my amazing doulas just talk to me about like, Hey, it sounds like you really want this natural vaginal birth with twins.
We have to be honest with you that like your best bet to get that is going to be a home birth. And they said it to base off of like, I mean, I told shared my birth history. My precipitous labor is that My non medicated, my big babies, I shared all of that information with them. So they were like, kind of seems like this would be easy for you.
And I couldn’t shake it. I just, I just couldn’t shake it. And I really never thought that I would do a home birth. Again, I had friends that had done home births. In the past. But it just was something that I was like, why, like, why do that? I might as well just go to the hospital, get taken care of.
It’s kind of like a spa day the next two days. And it’s not a big deal. Like the care is not that different. And oh my gosh, the care is so much different. So much better. I’m like a spa day. What hospital are you going to? Yes. What am I thinking? I’m thinking, oh, cause it’s like time away from the kids.
Yeah. No. Oh my gosh. The home is so much better. Oh, it’s just like peaceful. And I didn’t have to get out of bed. I didn’t have people poking me and pecking at me. I just got to like be with my, everyone who touched my babies and was, came and visited me with someone that loved us and knew us. And it, it was so different.
I had no, like, I didn’t even know what. You didn’t even know
KAREN: what you were talking about, right? No, no. Until you experience that, that difference in care, it is, it’s a different world. Yeah. And I love what you said about like, I couldn’t shake it. And I so relate to that because that’s exactly where I was at with my first birth, questioning the same thing of, I didn’t have a choice.
Twins, but it was my first pregnancy. And I thought, Oh, well, you don’t do a home birth with your first. Like I’ll do that with my second. And I couldn’t shake this feeling that like, this is what I need. This is the environment I want. And I feel like a lot of women are in that place and we are living this world now, where we see on social media, we have more access to.
All these beautiful birth videos of all different varieties and kinds. And we get to decide like, what kind of birth do you want? And I think there’s many women are in that place where like, I just can’t shake this feeling that this is what I really want deep inside. And so I just want to like, Pause there and encourage anyone who’s experiencing that to really trust those nudges and that intuition.
And then it could be Holy Spirit speaking to you. Yes.
JILL: Oh my gosh. Do you like you hit the nail on the head. That is like your intuition, whether you’re a believer, like that Holy Spirit intuition, whether you’re a believer or not is like intuitively in you, like you have that, like God’s given you that for a reason.
And he wants you to drown out , the noise of the world. He wants you to drown out the, the opinions of others. Sometimes their opinions are given to you in love and sometimes they’re in fear, but like that, that should not like influence. And it does, unfortunately it does so bad.
And this was truly a pregnancy and a birth that I have never felt closer with the Lord. And it was, I mean, like the pictures and the videos definitely portray that, but I mean, it was a dream. Like I, I feel like the last few days after that birth, it was like a comedown that I had never, like, I was so sad that I, I wasn’t.
Researching bursts. And I wasn’t preparing for this. I mean, I already had it and it was just an experience like I’ve never had before. And my two of my daughters were both able to be there. And it was, it’s so it’s been, it’s become like this family thing. Like my, my boys were at my in laws.
And then my youngest daughter, she was at my, my other in laws. But it’s become like a family conversation. I’m excited. This, the generational impact that this is, that this hopefully will have because my, my girl, my girls, my almost 13 year old and my nine year old were able to see their brother and sister be born.
Like how cool they were sitting. They cut their cords. They said they were sitting while I was pushing my son out. They were sitting on my bed and I was looking up in between contractions and they’re sitting cross legged, holding each other’s hands, praying. I had scripture playing in the background. My midwives were praying over me.
Like it was. It was a dream. Like, it
KAREN: was
JILL: amazing. It was amazing. And I’ve had, I’ve had a great burst. I’ve never had an experience. Like it was like, heaven,
KAREN: that’s amazing. Yeah,
JILL: it was. It was awesome. And that’s,
KAREN: and that’s the birth you get to design. You get to control that environment, you get to invite Holy spirit and you get to, you influence your children and like what an incredible opportunity that is.
JILL: Yeah.
KAREN: As a mother to be able to do that for your, for your children and your family. Oh, that’s so gorgeous. I love it. Okay. Tell us how did you how did you prepare for this birth and drown out all that noise? It was,
JILL: oh man, I prepared like I was, I don’t know, going into war. Really? I have to with twins, though.
I know. I knew it. Unfortunately, but you do. Yeah, I knew, I knew that I had to know my stuff. I knew that my body had to be like at its peak. And like, how do you do that when you’re pregnant and you have six other kids? But I sought out like, again, and I was still having hyperemesis, so I’m still throwing up a lot, but once it kind of started to ease up, once I was only throwing up like once or twice a day, instead of like six or seven times a day, I was able to kind of focus more on hydration and nutrition and protein.
And I was still able to like, go on walks. I’d walk on the treadmill like pretty much every day and I would say my prayers and I would do kind of like some light. Weights just to kind of keep and stretches just to kind of keep my body. I mean, I knew what labor would be like. I had no idea what labor was going to be like with two, but I mean, I had a good idea that it wasn’t going to be easy.
So I just, I really did prepare. I mean, I would be doing stretches before bed and my husband be laying in bed. He’s like, You are way more disciplined. And my husband, my husband actually is a NFL player. So he knows and I was disciplined. I was a division one athlete too. Like I, we know discipline, we know that you got to prepare your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit.
You got to prepare if you’re really gonna like do something like
KAREN: physical feet to give birth for
JILL: sure. Yeah. And I did not want to leave anything. No, no stone unturned. Like I was, Researching and I was reaching out to people that knew twin moms or you know, listening to your podcast event was so awesome.
Listening to birthing instincts and following everything about Dr. Stu. Yeah. That was so empowering.
KAREN: Oh, yeah. Too, just Oh man. Amazing twins expert.
JILL: Yes. So helpful. Yeah. And just bliss. Oh, I love them . And they make it so like. Yeah, like it’s just it’s it’s almost like, like, it’s not complicated when they when they say all these things.
It’s like, yeah, that actually makes sense. .
KAREN: It like rewires your brain when you learn the physiology because you’re like, oh, it actually is way more simple than we make it. Like, we just overcomplicate it and add in a bunch of fear. And all of these possibilities of things that could go wrong and it’s like, but at the end of the day, it’s like, I love the quote.
It’s like, what if twin birth? It’s just birth. One baby comes. And then another baby comes. Like, is that what it
JILL: was like for you? And that’s exactly what it was. One baby came. And I like relished in that baby. And then a couple minutes later, contraction started. You know, we waited a baby, my son, baby B came 19 minutes later.
So my daughter, Ruth was able, like her cord was able to, you know, pulse all the way out. And then my oldest daughter cut that cord. My husband took her and did skin to skin with her. And then my daughter also did skin to skin. And then I was able to just labor and just focus in on this baby or not this week, but on Bay on baby B and that’s, that’s totally what it was.
KAREN: Yeah. What was your husband like? Was he
JILL: supportive of a home birth with twins? Not initially. And I didn’t realize how much he was against it until probably around like the 24 ish week mark. I, I just kind of thought he was with it in me. Like he, he wouldn’t really talk a ton about it, but I would be like, Oh, did you know, did you, you have to listen to this.
You have to read this. It says you have to read this article. And he would just kind of like, kind of shake his head. Like, yeah, like, I think he kind of thought this was something, I mean, I do get, I tend to get really excited about things. And I think he kind of thought maybe it was just going to pass like the
BOTH: excitement or I find
JILL: something that was like a little, you know, conflicting and kind of get over it.
But I mean, it was almost like a, like a steam engine, like the more and more I learned, the more and the more convicted I felt like this is actually where I feel like we should be doing it. But also too, at the same time, I, and, and I shared this with him too, like, I want to do whatever the Lord wants us to do, like, however, we’re going to bring these babies into the world safely, then that, that is the most important thing.
And I don’t ever want to do anything that’s gonna jeopardize that. And that’s. It’s something that, now, after, having these babies and a lot more people knowing our story, we’ve gotten so much more like, thank God those babies are safe. What a miracle. And it’s like, I mean, they are a miracle certainly, but like, thank God they’re safe anywhere.
Like, it’s not that they would have been safer in hospital. It just, I don’t know. So. So. Yeah. What ultimately changed his mind for, for him though, I, he, he just brought it to prayer every single day. And again, I think at that 24 week mark, I mean, he was going to adoration and I think he, the, the Lord just kind of calmed his heart a lot.
And I don’t know if there was anything specific that was like, ah, I just think it was like Just a surrender, like a daily, like, is this something and not really getting an answer. Okay. I’m going to ask again, is this something where you’re not getting, not really getting an answer. And then I, again, at that 24 ish week, Mark, he brought it again.
Lord, is this the answer? And the Lord, I think finally was like, yes, like this is, and I think he probably had way more. I mean, I had a ton of peace about it, but I think if he, he had even more conviction about it than I did, and I had a ton of conviction. So it was awesome to, for, for me, Us to partner in that.
Cause he was like, I’m in it with you, Joel. Yes. Like whatever you need, how, and he, he just kind of with, with my other babies, he kind of was just like, Jill, you can take care of us. Like you’re a strong girl. Like you can, you got this. And I’m like, no, I actually do need you. I watched you. I want you to be a part of this.
Like you, like you’re, I love you. I want you to. I don’t want it to just be me birthing the baby and you just like smiling and being proud of me. Like I want it to be us that, that helped bring this baby into the, help bring these babies into the world.
KAREN: Oh, what a beautiful opportunity for him to step into, into that and support you and be all in.
Like we want their all in. We want their support. They’re conviction. And I love that you felt so convicted yourself in that. And you, you stood strong, even though he wasn’t sure until he came around and they do, like, I think they do hear from God when they’re seeking him and trusting and, and we have confidence to stand in our true conviction.
Like our, our men will come around and. You know, when they’re connected and trusting, that’s, that’s a beautiful
JILL: thing. He was even the one that when I, went into labor, I was so unsure. I’m like, I don’t think this is labor. He was the one that when I, when I called my midwife kind of telling her, like, I don’t really know what this is.
Like, it just seems he was the one, like in the background, he was like, Shara, I just want to let you know, every time she has this, like she has the baby between four and five hours later. So you can get here like now that would be good. And I had no doubt. I, I had been talking to her at six 20. I had. My daughter at 10, 20, it was four hours later.
Like he, like he was like, he was paying through this. I would, but no, he was the one that like, he totally was intuitive with it all. Which was so awesome.
KAREN: That’s awesome. So tell us about the birth itself. Like what was different? How did it go? It sounds like it was super straightforward.
Were you, were you straight
JILL: forward? No, I was not nervous. So So I had actually, so it was 37 weeks on Thursday on Friday, I had gone up to Lafayette to see midwife. She’s like, do you want to just see like where babies are at, like head down? Cause I’d, I’d just. I knew she was head down, but I kind of wanted to see what his position was.
I was so nervous the entire pregnancy of having breech babies. I, even though I know, I know that that’s a variation of normal. I just was so concerned. Like I really just need her to be head down. I know I could do a breech baby if, if he’s breech, but I just, I really need her to be head down. And I was pretty positive that she was, but I just kind of wanted to see where his was just to kind of help my mind wrap around what.
You know what I need to prepare for. So she was head down. He was breached. I was like, all right, whatever. She’s like, we’ll manage whatever we get. So that was Friday. That’s amazing
KAREN: that your provider was confident in delivering breach because that to me, and this is what I tell women and what I put in my course, I have the whole twins module in there.
I’m like, you have to find a provider. If you have twins that is confident and experienced delivering breach babies, because the likelihood, one of them will be breach is very high. Yeah. Over 50%. Yep. And so that’s amazing. And you’ve really had to seek her out, right? Like this to find she was a certified nurse midwife.
Yeah. Yeah. Which you wanted CNN. But it
JILL: wasn’t even that hard to find her. That’s why I felt like it was another just God thing because it was really, I mean, my doula has actually been working with her. So like, that was the connection that she had because where I live, where we live in Indianapolis, there are no CNMs around here.
Like the closest one is share an hour away. And then with the twin birth share also wanted another CNM. So we we got another CNM from tear help, which was like an hour and 20 minutes away. So like, those were the closest ones in our area. I think there’s, there might be two other ones, maybe. In Evansville like area or like Southern Indiana, but like that was as close.
And those were like the only two. So just even having them here two certified nurse bedwives was like a total God thing. So that was Friday and we had prepared like our birth team. So it was like, it was going to be Shira and then Barb, the other, the two CNMs my two doulas, which one of my doulas Is in midwifery school.
And then share had a birth assistant and then Joe. So it was going to be six. And then we the MD that is that oversees Sharon, my midwife, she asked if she could come to the birth too. So I was like, sure. Like I knew it was something that, that Probably not. A lot of people had seen or might not see.
So I was like, please, like, if you’re, you’re going to come and like lend a helping hand, or even if you just want to see like, please come. So she ended up coming, but she missed the birth, but she was still able to do the checks on the babies, which was awesome to have her. We had like this awesome birth team.
So I felt so confident in who we were going to have here. So I saw her on Friday then. Saturday the next day. I went Friday too. I was like, I can, I’m going to keep these babies in for another couple of weeks. I know it like, I think like 38, 39, that’s probably where I’m at. And I had measured, my daughter had measured me around, like, you know, around my, and I was like 123 centimeters around.
And then I was measuring 52, like 52 weeks. So I was large. I was, I was and oh my goodness. Yes. I was at three weeks. Three weeks early too. So I cannot even imagine what I would have had to push out
KAREN: 52 weeks at 37 weeks.
JILL: And I, so even so Friday, I was like, I feel great. But Saturday rolled around and I’m like, I do not feel great. Like, I don’t, I just feel like I just have one big cramp in my, and I’m like, this isn’t a contraction. What is going on? But I’m like, it’s not loosening up. I don’t know what’s going on. So I like.
Sat on the couch, kind of started counting contractions, called my doula, called my midwife. I’m like, I’m just going to go upstairs and lay down. So Joe had already called them to come down. So they got here around probably like eight 45 ish. And I probably came up to my room around like eight to kind of just rest.
And the contractions were so like, So variable, like they were lasting for around a minute, but they were like 20 minutes apart, nine minutes apart, three minutes apart, 12 minutes apart. Like they were, it was so random. I couldn’t, and I was getting really frustrated because all of these people were coming from a good distance away.
I didn’t want to waste their time. So Joe’s like, do you want to just have them in here and you can just chat with them? So we let them in our house at like nine. And share is like, do you want me to just check you just to see? And I was kind of anti checking cause I’m like, I’m always two centimeters, 80 percent of face, like.
Until I literally pushed the baby out. That’s always what I am. So I’m like, sure, just check me. You’re going to say two centimeters. And she checked me at nine 20 and I was at five and a half centimeters. So I’m like, Oh, like I’m in labor. Like this is a good thing. Didn’t really know. I mean, I knew like something was going on, but I didn’t know this was active labor.
So then they kind of went out into the hallway and, you know, we’re kind of getting ready. And my doula stayed in, stayed in my room with me and she’s like, okay, let’s do some sideline stuff. And so we’re doing it. We’re just, you know, shooting the breeze and just chatting. And then at like nine 40, I like rolled over to the other side of my bed to do like the second side of the sideline position and my water popped.
And I’m like, Oh, and I’m like, Oh, but there’s not a lot of, there’s not a lot of fluid. So. And then all of a sudden I like, I’m like, I think I could probably hold it in. Like, maybe that was just pee. And then I like did another movement and it was just like,
KAREN: you were still denying you were in
JILL: denial. Like, so then, I mean, probably contractions really, I mean, they maybe started to pick up maybe five to 10 minutes after that.
And then then I’m some kind of like moving around the, my room and I really wanted this area of And I didn’t really realize it at the time, but it’s like where we have like our, our crucifix and our cross. But I didn’t realize that that’s why I wanted to be there.
But I, I was like, I feel like this is the place where I need to be birthing. So at like, 10, 19, I was like, Oh my God. And I like kind of went over to my, to the stool and I like pushed her out and it was so easy. It was so easy. I was so calm and peaceful and I mean, yeah, it hurt like any birth is really going to hurt.
But like, I mean, it wasn’t, it was not like pain if that’s, that makes sense. Like it wasn’t like, it wasn’t like in the hospital when I was having my other ones, it was like, I remember just like screaming in fear. Yeah. Yeah. Even though they were really quick, I remember screaming the babies out in fear.
And it was not like that at all. Like I was, I’m sure I was moaning and I mean, I for sure it was, I have the video to prove it, but it was such a more peaceful I don’t know. Peaceful pushes. Wow. And so she came out beautifully, like at first, I mean, it was, it was, it was work for sure. Yeah. But it was, it was so awesome.
And, the girls got up here literally like. Two minutes before I had her. So they were able to see her, her being born and. Then, you know, I’m holding her and then all of a sudden I’m like, Oh gosh, I got to do another, I got to do another one. I didn’t want it. That’s I just really was just happy.
I had her and I really didn’t want to let it, what was going to come kind of impact that time that I had with her. So just like holding her. And you delivered her on a birth stool. No, like I was on my knees, but do you know, like those stools that like kids use in the bathroom that you, they stand up on?
I, for some reason it was like, this would be an, this was like weeks before I had them. This would be an amazing, I could get some leverage, like holding onto that. So I was like kind of more upright, but not like upright, like on a, on a bed or like a stool, but I just was able to like, kind of push down on something, but also be more upright.
It was, I would totally recommend it. If you were, if anyone is looking into different birthing positions, I would totally. Recommend something like that because I, I had my, my old ob with my others, my other six was super old school. Like I had to deliver on my back.
KAREN: and you were with them with this pregnancy?
No, no. So he had But you switched? He
JILL: actually passed away. Oh, okay. Yeah, he passed away last summer. And I had kind of in the back of my head was like, okay, if I were to have another baby, I would definitely go the midwife route. Yeah. And then, you know, when I found out I was twins, I couldn’t do the midwife route.
I had to go OB. So I’m so happy that like, I intuitively knew that the midwife route was like where I should have be. I’m sad. I never didn’t get that with the others, but it’s, it was experienced. So you
KAREN: got to experience it. Yeah. Yeah.
JILL: So I, so I pushed her out and then you know, we waited for her cord to stop pulsing.
And my oldest daughter got to cut her cord and then and then it was kind of, but probably about five minutes after I had had Ruth contractions kind of did start picking up again, but it, they weren’t, they were definitely contractions, but they were not like these, I can’t do them contract or not that I was even like that with Ruth, but they were contractions, but I was in such a different euphoric state.
Probably the oxytocin was just flowing that, that I was able to cope with them way better than I, again, the hospital births for sure. So so that makes sense. Yeah. You’re having a birth high, but you’re still in
KAREN: labor, like having the baby,
JILL: the skin to skin and new contractions. Yes. And I just kind of knew like, okay, just onto the next, like, we can do this.
Like we’re in it. We’re going to do it. Let’s just keep on doing it. So they did bring like a mini ultrasound Doppler just to kind of, she’s like, let’s just, do you want to just see where the, what the position is of the baby? So I said, sure. So we found it and he was breached, but we didn’t realize what type of breach, but she’s like, yep, it has, that is not as that, that is definitely not as that.
So did you feel things moving or like baby shifting? No. Like in between. No, no. So he really must’ve, cause he was. Like she, I don’t know if I can like, she was very much head down and then her butt was up here. And then he had like all. So I always felt like I, I always felt his legs like down here. Like.
Yeah. Always kicks. So he must’ve really just like, just slid. Cause yeah. Cause then they have all that
KAREN: extra room, you know, and you never know what position they’re going to get it. Yeah. I just kept on
JILL: praying. So did that
KAREN: scare you knowing, Oh, he’s butt down or what?
JILL: Nope. I just was like, Nope, we’re just going to do it.
I felt such confidence, such peace. I knew Shara felt confidence and peace, and I just, I just knew. That’s so
KAREN: important.
JILL: Yeah. I
KAREN: just knew. It’s like in a hospital. That’s the moment that everybody freaks out, right? Like, Oh no, baby A is born. Even if they’re not breech, there’s that rush. There’s such a rush and stress and an emergency feeling in between baby A and baby B being born because to them, that’s like the most dangerous time, but they got to rush it up.
And then your midwife goes, Oh, it’s. Baby B is breach. Yeah. Nobody panics. Like no,
JILL: that is everything. Just let me just let my body just do it. So, oh my gosh, it was. Yeah. And I, and I think thinking back through it all, I realized like what a gift every single moment of that. 19 minutes was because it, it was, it would have been so different if we were in the hospital.
So I’m getting ready and I, and I, and I’m pushing him out and his feet come out first. So she was like, okay, he has feet feet first. And she was definitely kind of helping me. So first of all, when he came out and I, I’ll even, I can even send you some, some videos. I don’t know if you can post them, but I’ll send you all the videos.
And this is something that I had prayed about Karen, like specifically, I prayed about their amniotic fluid. I prayed about their position but I had prayed for their umbilical cords and one that, you know, they weren’t like wrapped around that they, that they were long enough that they, you know, that they.
But they were like the perfect, whatever they needed to be, that they were just right.
JILL: his umbilical cord you’ll see in this video is like, I mean, it was like three times the size of hers. And I realized after the fact, like what that, like, that was so ordained because It was this pulsing oxygenated cord that was giving, that was, that it was able to give me some time to be able to push him out.
And it wasn’t, I mean, it was probably only like two minutes of pushing, but just the way that he came, it wasn’t like his cord was compressed. Like he was, you know, starved for oxygen. They did you know, they did have to give him like two, two Like rescue breaths. Yeah. Two rescue breaths. But like his heart was still beating.
He still had tone the whole time. And then, you know, if it was two or three, he screamed and like, I got him right on me and it was, it was seamless. There was no panic. The whole
KAREN: time. Like, so the feet
JILL: are coming out. So the feet, did it take a
KAREN: while to push him out
JILL: or was it easy? No, it did.
And I was, I was like, pissed about it in the moment. I’m like, what is going on? Like you, that should just be. And she already cleared the way. Come on. What are you doing? And there in the video, I just was like, you know, and one of the, one of the pushes I’m like, Oh, get out. Like, so I think what, what happened was I think both of his arms were above.
So like. So I’m pushing. So on one of the pushes, she kind of helped guide one of his arms out. So then at that point, it was just an arm and his head. And then, but then he was able to kind of turn and, she worked with him. You could tell like in the video, like, Yes.
Like she, she was so awesome. Like, yeah.
KAREN: And because do helping, you know, when those babies come out, breach, everything’s backwards. So they, they rotate opposite. They, all the cardinal movements are different to assist that. Like you need special training. Yes.
JILL: And she, she knew exactly how to do that.
Yep. Yep. Yep. And like head and then like, so yeah, it was, It was awesome. It like, I feel like I, like, I like rewatched the verse almost every single day. How did I get to do this? This is so cool. he said, like, no one does twin home births. Everyone’s so afraid, even just like twins, like everyone’s so afraid of it.
And Just to be able to defy the odds, even though all I did was just listen to my body. All I did was just listen to the spirit. And all I did was just intuitively follow like the cues of like, of what to do. It wasn’t that, it wasn’t that hard to do that. I mean, it was, it was, It was hard to drown out the outside voices.
That was, that was the hardest part. And like the opinions of, I mean, opinion, people don’t have the opinions, but you know, just like, you just want to correct all of like the misinformation and you can’t.
KAREN: Yeah.
JILL: You have to just trust your intuition. Yeah. I’m not, yeah, I’m not in this, like, I’m not on this mission to change everyone’s minds that you should do home birth.
Like, I don’t, I’m not saying that, but I think that everyone really needs to trust their intuition more. Every mom needs to, cause it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a hard talk. It’s something. And, and even if it’s not like, even if this home birth wasn’t something I should have done, like the fact that I educated myself so much, like I.
I’m just so grateful for that to be able to have like been empowered and, and yeah, just like had the choice.
KAREN: Oh man, it’s so beautiful. So like when baby B comes out and I think, I think it’s amazing too, like that he had a thicker cord. So there’s always a slightly higher risk of like cord compression with the head coming out last.
Yeah. But it’s like incredible to know that like God takes care of that too,
JILL: provided in the best way. All these
KAREN: ways.
JILL: Yes. Seriously. I like you. I cannot wait to show you this. I mean, it was beautiful. Like this thing was like three times. I was almost three times the size of hers. Like, cause I, cause you can see her as coming out.
And I mean, it was like a normal looking course. So my other daughter who had to snap is like, who cut his cord was like really trying to like, like dig in and cut it. I was like, you know, don’t cut me. Oh yeah.
KAREN: So like baby comes out and then. And you did them like on the hands and knees. You weren’t in the water.
So now you’re able to just like hold the baby. What was it like after they were born?
JILL: Oh my gosh. I just was like, I did it. Like I did it so much. It was just like, months and months and tears. Of struggling in this pregnancy. And there were, there were other things too. Like they had found, like a structural abnormality with Samuel’s heart.
And So I, I had to surrender that. And you know, we went and took him for an echocardiogram a week after he was born and it was completely healed, which is like, it’s like a legit miracle, like structurally it should not have been structurally. I mean, I had seen it on ultrasound. I had seen what the abnormality was.
Yes. I saw it multiple times. And then to go in, you know, after he’s born after, after like already surrendered that and like, Lord, like we know that you are going to. Provide in whatever way. And he is like a perfect baby heart. Like there’s no, there’s like nothing, nothing wrong with it after months and months of prayer.
So I just, I, I was just so happy to like. Have them and it was just surreal to have had to have prepared for that and then and then all of a sudden it’s like done, but I’m so happy they’re like, it’s just it was just it was like euphoric. It
KAREN: really was. And When you guys see the pictures, you’ll know exactly what she means.
Like in heaven, like the most pure joy ever. It’s just so beautiful.
JILL: Did I send the one with like my placenta like in the bowl?
KAREN: Let me
JILL: see where my like husband is. Like, he like walks over ’cause he, because he had been like off to the side like something and it, it’s like, it’s almost like, good job babe.
Like you did it . I’m like
KAREN: me. Yeah. The plus the giant placenta bowl is between your leg, giant placenta and you’re holding up like I,
JILL: yeah. So it was so they were, so they were die eye twins, but they both the placenta were anterior. So like I birthed like this one big placenta out ’cause it you know, it kind of like.
It didn’t fuse together, but I guess it kind of did. It was separated by a membrane. So I’m just like pushing out this like massive placenta. It was so easy to put that thing out. I not not having someone pull on your placenta. It’s kind of awesome. Yeah. Like it just comes the way it’s
KAREN: supposed
JILL: to be. I
KAREN: was supposed to have anyone pull it out.
Yes. Shocking. It’s like the things you think are normal in hospital birth when you only know hospital birth and then you realize, oh, that’s actually not normal. That shouldn’t be. Nobody should be yanking placentas out of women’s bodies.
JILL: Yeah. I didn’t even have to push. I didn’t even have to like, it literally just slipped out of me.
Whereas I remember the other ones I’m like. Oh, like bearing down pushing because they’re like, okay. And they’re like pulling this. Oh my gosh. It’s like, it irks me. Like that’s gross. I.
KAREN: Yeah. You know, in your body, like this feels wrong. This is not good. This is not okay, but we’re just conditioned to think we have to.
Yeah. That’s what’s supposed to happen. No, actually. Yeah. How big were your babies?
JILL: So Ruth, our baby A was seven pounds, two ounces and then Samuel, so he did poop like right as soon as he was born, but he, when we weighed him, he was seven, 15. So he was
KAREN: probably an eight pounder, but I had
JILL: 15 pounds of baby inside of me, plus a three pound placenta.
It was
KAREN: a lot. So 23 pounds right
JILL: away. It was 25 pounds. Like easy. I cannot, I mean, I do. I was so uncomfortable. And your other
KAREN: babies were big. You said you had like nine and a half pound babies for all your others. Nine, nine and a half pounders. Yeah. So you grow good sized babies.
JILL: Baby B, Sam was, when they did the older sounds.
Was always on like the 98th percentile for weight. So I knew he was going to be on the larger side. And she was like, You know, 70 or 80. So I knew they were going to be good size babies, but I cannot even imagine if I carry those babies to term how large, and I don’t think I, in my mind, I let myself like acknowledge how uncomfortable I was because, you know, like, I think when you go there.
Then you just, you can’t dig yourself out of that pit when you’re like, I’m so miserable. Right. You just
KAREN: have to lay out. You just gotta be like,
JILL: I’m not comfortable, but I’m, I’m, I’m making it through. I’m not comfortable and I’m making it through.
KAREN: There’s a purpose for this. So what would you say to any moms especially twin moms who are preparing for birth?
JILL: Well, I would encourage them to like, seek out other twin moms, even if they’ve had hospital births, even if they’ve had cesareans, I just think that like, to just be able to gather as much information as you can so that yes, like intuitively you can, you can make a decision, but also to like, you have.
Like resources to help you. And that was something I like was not shy about. Like anyone, you know, that’s done the twin thing. Like just send them my way. Like, I want to talk to them. I would multiple multiple conversations with like the most random peoples and just asking questions. So like, how did you know this?
And even postpartum, like I would talk to a lot of these moms. Like, how did you, how did you nurse? Did you nurse, did you bottle? Like what? I just wanted like the full scope of everything, what I was getting myself into. And like I, I, and I think just don’t, I don’t know. Don’t sell yourself short.
Like I, just because you’re having twins or multiples doesn’t mean you are high risk. Like, and, and I think too, like these babies were naturally conceived. So that did. I think set us up for a more successful natural birth experience. But I even, think that you. You have to really tap into your body and to not be afraid to do that.
And to make sure that you are like nutritionally sound and hydrating and getting all of those things in your mind, body, spirit, like, like you’re preparing for like a, like war you’re preparing for like a serious battle. And and then also too, I think not just giving. obese, like the benefit of the doubt, like, yes, they want, I’m sure most of them have your best interests in mind, but their best interests aren’t necessarily like your, what your best interests are.
Their best interests are your best interests always. So anytime , that they say something or suggest something and it like pay attention to those things. I don’t know. Like that feeling, like if they say something and you’re like, Oh, like, I don’t, I don’t know if I want to do that.
Pay attention to that because that’s not just like the, your blinders aren’t going off for just any reason. And maybe they, yeah, maybe they’re warning you about something that is legitimate, but like most of the time, it’s not as like dire. And I remember when I switched when I’m with the OB, you switched
KAREN: your backup OB.
JILL: I switched back up. Oh, yes. So it’s hostile. Yes. Yes. And they were saying reason, right? Yes. Yeah. I was like 34 weeks. And they. Again, they were kind of saying the same thing. It was a better experience for sure, but they were still saying the same things of, yep, we’re going to induce you at 38 weeks. And we’re gonna make sure that you got the epidural, just in case we got to take you back for a C section.
And all of those things were like, that’s icky. Like that’s, ew, ew, ew. And maybe if we were to do a hospital, maybe I would, I would have just had to like, Accept some of those things, but thankfully I was able to do a lot of research and find these home birth midwives that were like, no, like let’s, let’s, what do you want?
Like, what, how do you see this birth going? And, and then we can share with you our expertise and we can have a discussion about, you know, is this possible
KAREN: That’s a whole different story when a provider is honoring the mother’s intuition and instincts and asking the mother, what do you want for your birth instead of being told, here’s what we’re going to do to you in labor and you just have to accept it.
And they’re used to moms just accepting it like, yes, here’s the protocol. We induce, we hook you up to epidural, we da da da da da da, we clamp the cord and all these things. It’s, it’s like. They’re used to women just falling in line. And I think there’s now a lot of women rising up saying, Hey, Hey I don’t want that.
And they almost don’t know how to handle autonomous women say, no, this is what I want in my birth. And you then get to make the choice just like you did Jill to like switch if you don’t
JILL: feel like they’re actually listening. Yeah. And I do. I think that they heard me. I think that they, you know, they, Especially in the early weeks with the one with the one OB, she like shook her head like, yep, yep.
That seems right. And then, you know, as the weeks kind of are ticking by and like, Oh, we’re going to, we’re going to suggest you do that. Oh, we, we recommend this. Oh, we like, I don’t feel comfortable with this. Like, so this is a, one of the OBs I said, why do I need to get induced at 38 weeks again?
Like why? Like, I just want to know, like why when I’ve had all of mine have been full term, big babies, like, is it. Like, what is, what’s, what’s the hang up? And she said, well, but after 39 weeks, your placentas just get old, your placenta just gets old. And I go, but there’s two placentas in there. So like, isn’t it kind of like they’re like one baby, but two of them in there.
And she’s like, you know, and she didn’t answer. She’s totally like, and she’s like, well, and again, I think this, this OB is a really good OB. I, I, I did really like her, but when I like kind of pushed back on it, I’m like, but like, I’ve been able to do this before. Like why? And she’s like, well, you know, I would, I would actually be okay with you delivering at like 38 and six, but you know, after that 39 weeks, I, I, you know, too many risks.
I don’t feel comfortable. And I’m like, okay. So, like, 24 hours is really going to make my placenta become decrepit and, like, not be life sustaining. Right. Overnight, your
KAREN: placenta grows old. Yes.
JILL: I don’t understand how it makes sense. The rationale
KAREN: of the argument starts to break down.
JILL: Yes. Like, I hope it makes sense to me.
Because I, Yes. Yeah. And then I was like, okay, we’re, I appreciate that she was really trying to work with me and I really do think she was, yeah,
KAREN: but they have a certain training and comfort level and, and they’re, they’re two colors show, like, even though they’re wonderful people, they have a comfort level and their box is very defined.
Yeah. Based on their training and their personal experience. And so when you realize, Hospital
JILL: protocols, Yes, the hospital
KAREN: protocol, insurance guidelines, like there’s so many things they have to abide by. And it’s not their fault. That’s just the way they are trained and conditioned to view birth. And you have to find someone that really aligns with your.
your views and values. And so I love that you found a different backup OB even at that point that didn’t give you that egg feeling. And then still had your midwife. So it’s so, it’s so important. So I love all of those encouragements to moms, like, and I think that goes toward any mom, whether twins or not, to really trust your intuition and get that.
Get a provider that really believes in you. Yeah.
JILL: Don’t be afraid to search around. Yeah. Don’t be afraid to switch. I literally switch with twins at 34 weeks. Like that is not normal. Most OBs don’t really do that, but I had like a couple, nurse friends that kind of put in some good words.
And I, I was able to like talk to the intake gal. And I was like, listen, like, I’ve done this before. I know my stuff. I, I don’t feel comfortable where I’m at. Can I please just like, just meet with her just so I can. Yeah. Yeah. And they’re like, yep, she’ll take you. So. Yeah. Everything’s negotiable, ladies.
Everything is negotiable. Awesome.
KAREN: Oh, I love that so much. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. And I can’t wait to get this up on the gram and on the podcast channels. We’ll make sure we link everything. Where can mamas find you if they want to reach out to you directly? I’m
JILL: on Instagram at at Jill writes.
That’s Jill J L L and then R E I T Z. And mamas don’t feel like embarrassed or anything. Like, please reach out. Like, I loved, I love birth. I don’t really have like any huge platforms, but I am a huge birth advocate and even if like, Even if you just like want someone to talk to or pray with you.
Like I, I would love to be a resource or I don’t know, just help in any way. Cause I, my, my story, I fully believe it is not just my story. It’s my family’s story. And I know that it’s meant to be a witness and that I can hopefully use it to share and kind of limit or lower some of the fear that’s, that, that goes, that goes on with home birth and with twins and with.
Breach baby. Yeah, you’ve got them all. Check, check all the boxes.
KAREN: so much for just making yourself available and for your part in dismantling the fear around birth, home birth, twins birth, breach birth. Like every time we share these stories and I told you at the beginning of this podcast, I’m like, I’m obsessed with twin birth because.
It’s like, we have so many limits and culturally it’s in our society. I’m like how twins and breech are supposed to be birthed. And yet I just see so many stories like yours being shared now that just defy all of these statistics and all the odds, and they just shows you how natural and normal it really is.
Not that there aren’t some higher risks and things that we have to really be prepared for and have a good team around us, but I just see like how glorious. twin birth can be and how it doesn’t have to be fearful. So I just want to thank you personally for helping to change the narrative around twin birth and twin home birth.
And thank you for sharing your story today.
JILL: Of course. Thank you for having me on.
KAREN: Yay. We’ll see you guys next week.
We inherit fears from society, friends, and family so that by the time we get pregnant we believe our body doesn’t know how to birth without medical assistance (No wonder we have a 30% cesarean rate in the US!). Those doubts can quickly erode your peace and confidence. But there’s a better & pain free way…